WHO WE AREFoundation News

Spring 2024

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Check out the brand new New Mexico Jewish Journal

A group of Jewish editors, writers and professionals came together over the last nine months to create a new independent, statewide online Jewish publication – see link below. The group recognized the vacuum that existed after the New Mexico Jewish Link ceased publication in 2022. Many meetings and hours of research, discussion, and planning resulted in the launch of the New Mexico Jewish Journal. The Jewish Community Foundation is proud to support this important community effort. Take a look and consider subscribing!

New Mexico Jewish Journal

New Mexico Jewish Journal: keeping us connected with news, arts, culture and spirituality.


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Many benefit from our spring grantmaking

This year’s Jewish Women’s Endowment Fund grants supported the Jewish Care Program’s Emergency Assistance efforts, B’nai Israel’s Emerging Leader program, Temple Beth Shalom’s Religious School Retreat and the JCC’s new Mini Mensch program.

The Immigrant & Refugee Assistance Fund grants helped support needs of immigrants and refugees in New Mexico. See 2024 grant recipient list.

Thirteen Albuquerque and Santa Fe young people are looking forward to fun in the great outdoors with Jewish friends at summer camp. The Foundation’s camp scholarships will help support the kids’ adventures.

This year has been a tough one for Jews all around the country.… Spaces where I had previously felt safe now felt vulnerable. In the face of this, the first place I turned was camp. If it weren’t for the connections that I had made at camp since age 8, I would have felt even more isolated this year. I depend on these friendships to sustain me and look forward to deepened friendships in the year to come.
– 2024 camp scholarship recipient

Two graduating Albuquerque-area high school students who have demonstrated achievements and ongoing volunteer work supporting human rights and dignity will receive $1,000 college scholarships for the 2024-25 school year from the Neil Isbin Scholarship Fund.

Grantmaking photo 1
Grantmaking photo 2

Winter 2023/2024

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Foundation Welcomes New Board Members

We’re pleased to announce the election of four new board members: Michael Krashin, Suzie Lubar, Maggie Hirsch (representing the NM Holocaust & Intolerance Museum) and Naomi Sandweiss (representing the NM Jewish Historical Society). We extend our sincere appreciation to departing board members Grace Allison and Sarah Winger.

Fall 2023

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We Stand With Israel.

Israeli support gathering

Photo by Diane Joy Schmidt

On October 7th, the terrorist organization Hamas launched surprise attacks on southern Israel from Gaza. Terrorists killed more than 1,200 people, wounded thousands, kidnapped at least 250 children, women and men, and fired thousands of rockets and missiles at cities across Israel.

We mourn with Israeli families as they bury their loved ones who were murdered by Hamas terrorists. We pray for the well-being and immediate return of each victim held hostage in Gaza. We unequivocally condemn Hamas and its barbaric terror attack on Israel. The world must not stand idly by as terrorists infiltrate a sovereign country and brazenly target its civilians — young and old.

Our hearts break for all innocent victims of this tragedy.

We will continue to stand with Israel in the difficult days and months ahead.

We will continue to support the Jewish people in Israel and in the diaspora — including here in New Mexico.

May Israel, the Jewish people, and all of humanity know better days ahead.

Charitable organizations are at work supporting victims of terror, helping rebuild damaged infrastructure and addressing the unprecedented levels of trauma caused by this attack. If you would like to support this effort, consider these suggestions.

Learn more about the new Jewish Community Relations Coalition-New Mexico.

Spring/Summer 2023


The Foundation makes over $120,700 in transition grants to organizations providing Jewish programming in central and northern New Mexico.

The Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico Board approved grants to 15 organizations that applied for funding based on allocations awarded to them by the Jewish Federation of New Mexico (JFNM) in 2022. Due to JFNM’s dissolution in December 2022, the Foundation redirected assets to make the one-time transition grants to help support these organizations in 2023.

We would like to express our gratitude for the generous grant award bestowed upon our organization… The previous grants received from JFNM were truly valued, and we were pleasantly surprised to have your organization continue this support through the current grant. Once again, we extend our heartfelt thanks.

– Jewish Community Council of Northern New Mexico President